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Your Writer Within:Take the Quiz!

the writer within.jpg

Now let's find out what type of author you are! Complete the 20 questions before revealing your writer's persona

1. How do you usually feel after finishing a writing session?
2. How many hours a week do you spend writing?
3. What is your biggest motivation for writing?
4. How many books have you written (including drafts)?
5. What genre do you primarily write in?
6. What’s your writing environment like?
7. What challenges do you face in your writing journey?
8. How do you handle writer's block?
9. How do you feel about editing?
10. What do you enjoy most about the writing process?
11. What’s your ideal writing goal?
12. How do you react to feedback or criticism?
13. Do you outline your stories before writing?
14. How do you feel about deadlines?
15. How do you come up with story ideas?
16. What’s your biggest source of inspiration?
17. How do you feel when you start a new writing project?
18. How important is it for you to have a writing community or support system?
19. Do you envision your stories becoming big hits (movies, bestseller lists, etc.)?
20. How often do you revise your writing?

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