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The Kitten Who Lost His Meow

Patricia Broughton

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Picture book of enchanting watercolours illustrating a fable of a quizzical kitten's search for his lost meow across Imagined Oceans to the Dreamers Dancing Ground. Sewn & casebound by fairies the book's magic works well for 5 to 85- year-olds. If you've lost your meow only read on if you believe in the possibility of anything.

One late moon at the start of the day the Kitten set off to find his lost meow with his friends, Old Tiger Top and Tiddly Pom. The journey took them from their home with Princess Think-a-Lot and Mrs Make-a Mess to the Dreamers' Dancing Ground where the Night Birds hooted that the Lost Meow could be hiding. Their search begins at the Remembered World, where the Dreamy Harbour Master navigates them across Imagined Oceans to the Valley of Winds and down to the Lower Elements. Encounters follow with Wind Spirits and happy Unquiet Souls ending at Dream Weaver College and the Museum of Memories. On returning home Princess Think-a-Lot is pleased to find the Kitten has been happy while away whereas she had been very sad without him. The Kitten had enjoyed his travels and the kind-hearted greetings he'd received from everyone - greetings that reflected that he was a loveable Kitten born of the love and affection he'd received from the Princess while growing up.

The book is dedicated to caring parents who raise their families to go on and share the love they've received with every creature or person they meet.

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