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A Week in Space!

Robert William Jones


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It’s New Year’s Eve 1968.
Billy is an 11 year old boy who has more than his fair share of life’s challenges, watching his loving mother’s health deteriorate in a home where domestic violence is habitual.
Billy’s sole escape is his incurable obsession with all things to do with space, particularly science fiction and the space race that has dominated his 11 years on earth. He has just witnessed the first rocket to orbit the moon (Apollo 8) and is uncontrollably excited about the moon landing to come. Added to this, is his curiosity about his cousin, uncle and aunty who seem to be forever venturing somewhere on strange, frequent and lengthy trips. Billy comes to discover that these excursions are intertwined with his own life.
A Week in Space! is a light and thoughtful commentary on issues of faith, how we treat one another and the notion that one day, possibly, people of all faiths and none may work together on those shared beliefs and hopes and collaborate in making the world a place free of hatred, fear and poverty.

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