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Abstract Background

Get secure, honest feedback on your next book idea 


This is always the difficult part. You have an amazing idea and want the world to know but you also have to be really careful as to who you mention this. Many authors are always on the hunt for a new idea for a book and therefore be very careful to who you disclose your ideas. 

Personally, I would maybe discuss the idea with a handful of trustworthy family members or close friends. As for their honest opinion however, don’t be put off if they don’t sound as enthusiastic as you. If you are passionate about your story there will be others who share your passion and will enjoy it. 


Be careful not to share it on social media as although many authors on Facebook and Instagram groups would be willing to provide you with honest advice and feedback others would plagiarise your idea.


Meet The Authors (MTA) offers a secure story-pitching service where we will provide you with a signed (NDA) Non-Disclosure Agreement before a 30-minute Teams or Zoom call on which you can pitch your idea to us. We will ensure that your idea remains 'your' idea in full confidentiality. Following the call we will provide you with feedback on the idea, its uniqueness, suggested target audience and credibility as well as any suggestions we may have for diversifying the story. 


Pitching service

  • The advice and feedback we provide is simply that, our advice and you should make the decisions on whether to utilise or ignore this advice ,  MTA will therefore not be held liable for this. 

  • Once purchased we will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time to hold the virtual call. Feedback will be provide within 7 days after the call. Please make sure you have the outline of the story available so that we can provide clear and concise feedback on your concept. 

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