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Author Interviews 

Meet the Authors is a platform for writers looking to create their first book, to best-selling authors with the knowledge to share with others. We understand the struggles and difficulties of expressing the excitement of your book which simply gets lost sometimes within a brief synopsis.  Therefore we are enabling authors to promote their books themselves so that the audience can get to know the writer behind the words. This will be achieved with 15 Minute Author interviews.


Unlike some other interviews, we will not be going live to the world or letting you face a tirade of questions bombarding you and putting you on the spot.  We aim to have structured pre-recorded interviews which will be held with Lee Davies and Rob Jones. The focus will be on your book and its characters, content and a little about where it came from. Think of it like a movie trailer and that you are selling us the story/concept.


Below are a bank of questions that we will focus the interviews on and it may be that we do not have time to get through them all.


Please tick any questions you are happy for us to ask you. You can also supply details of any other questions you would like us to ask you.  If you have a series of books then we can mention that at the end however for the purpose of the interview, we will aim to focus on just a single book.


Please complete the registration / consent form below and we will be in touch with proposed dates or the interview

Registration form

We charge £25 for a 15-minute author interview which will be uploaded to the Meet The Authors YouTube channel and be featured on our website. In addition, we will market your interview on our social media platforms providing direct links to all of your sales channels. We will provide you with a bespoke graphic including a QR code that links directly to your interview. Your book will also be available for download from the Meet The Authors bookstore and the details for this we will take from your Amazon page. 

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